FRTC raises money to support Services for the Elderly

The Farmington Republican Town Committee is pleased to announce that it has raised $3,970 in donations for Services for the Elderly of Farmington Inc. Town Council Chair CJ Thomas and George Reider led this effort. Mr. Thomas stated, “Just prior to the holiday season, the Republican Town Committee discussed supporting those most severely impacted by COVID-19. We chose to support Services for the Elderly because they are well positioned to directly improve the quality of life for the senior residents of Farmington. I am proud of the incredible response from our members in helping those in need.”

Services for the Elderly of Farmington is a 501 (c )3 organization whose mission is “to assist older citizens with maintaining their desired home lifestyle relative to their meals, transportation, socialization, home medical equipment and maintenance”.* Services for the Elderly of Farmington is a key organization in our small community. They are a member of the Meals on Wheels program helping provide food security to our elderly, they participate in the Forget-Me-Not program which promotes good mental health, they help provide access to essential medical safety devices that insurances do not cover, and they offer other essential services to care for our elderly. Additionally, this great organization has adapted to the COVID-19 threat and ensured they continue to provide these services in a safe manner.

* Nicole Bardeck, R.N., B.S.N. Executive Director Services for the Elderly of Farmington

CJ Thomas and George Reider presenting the $3,970 check.

CJ Thomas and George Reider presenting the $3,970 check.


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